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Renew your license

All Calculator Widgets WordPress plugins are now available on my DevUpNorth website or if you want the non-WP hosted version then these are available at Estate Agent Widgets. As such you can’t renew your widgets here anymore.

If you are using the WordPress plugin, please contact me through the DevUpNorth website with the email address you purchased the plugin through and I’ll send you the new plugin for free if you are within your 1 year of support and updates. If you are outside of your support and updates period then you’ll need to pay the update fee which is just £10 for a single domain. Renewals going forward are only required when a new calculation is released rather than yearly.

If you used the hosted versions, then we’ve discontinued those on this website and launched a subscription service for them over at Estate Agent Widgets. Our data shows that most users of the hosted version were not renewing each year which meant that we had to either remove the widget access or pay for the servers to host the widgets without being paid, which wasn’t sustainable, having a subscription model ensures that the yearly fee is paid automatically.